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Mira's Blog

Please let’s stop commenting on people’s weight.

Some people might be losing weight because of an eating disorder or a disease 🤍Others might be gaining weight as part of a healthy recovery which should be praised 🌟We are all trying to feel better and work on being the best version of ourselves 💖.

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There is almost always a reason behind overeating

« I am not strong enough » & « I don’t have willpower » aren’t one of those 😌The root causes I see the most in my clinic include:- Trying to numb stress and anxiety through food- Restricting food or food groups which leads to cravings- Not being mindful & mentally present during meals- Not sleeping well- Not drinking enough water- Skipping meals- Eating quickly So, please, before trying to follow a restrictive diet to avoid overeating & gaining weight, take a look at your eating habits, overall lifestyle, feelings and emotions 😍I will be more than happy to help if you need me to 😊

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Please be grateful and be kind to yourself

Some behaviors encouraged by the diet culture – swipe right 😉 – are pushing us towards an unhealthy relationship with food and disordered eating.We try to follow external rules rather than focus on our internal needs by trusting our bodies.We should definitely not pressure ourselves & must shift our focus on feeling better, listening to our needs and fulfilling these needs 🤍

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Understanding the emotional eating cycle!

We all experience emotions that can trigger our relationship with food. Understanding the emotional eating cycle is the first step towards breaking free and embracing a healthier mindset ☀️ Here’s how we can do it:- Awareness: Recognize the triggers and emotions associated- Mindful pause: before reaching for food, ask if you’re truly hungry.- Self care: find other ways to help you feel better like a warm shower, music, watching a series,… – Self-compassion 🤍 : remember, it’s okay to have these feelings, be kind with yourself, don’t punish yourself.With these small steps we would be understanding our emotions, accepting them and finding a healthy balance with food 🥰

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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey

🤰💕 but it’s essential to prioritize our well-being along the way. Unfortunately, social media is may be promoting unrealistic expectations & add pressure during this time. If you or someone you know recognizes any signs of unhealthy eating habits, body image concerns, or disordered behaviors during pregnancy, remember, you’re not alone 🥰Seeking help and support from healthcare professionals can make all the difference in ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy for both you and your precious little one

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